As is usual when displaying the efforts of other forumites, I have taken the liberty of cleaning up sentence structure, punctuation, grammar, and subject clarification identifiers, but left the core body of the work untouched. Italicized words indicate said liberties.
EDIT: I have also taken the liberty of adding Intelligence and Linguistic Prerequisites to Susurro, Peritus, and Magister Voca. I am quite familiar with the characters of Toros Revoke and Zigmunt Molotch; both received highly specialized education and training, and both were supremely intelligent.
Enuncia (v1.2)
*Note: In the event of Possession, re-roll results.
If the Focus Power Test is successful, the Voca must make a Challenging (+0) Toughness Test. For each success on their Toughness Test they reduce the Drain Value by 1, and for each failure increase the Drain Value by 1 (for Opposed Tests, Drain Value is equal to the target's Willpower Bonus regardless of forcefulness). If the Drain Value becomes lower than their Toughness Bonus, the Voca takes no Damage and suffers no Corruption, otherwise the remaining Drain Value is treated as Type Impact Damage to the Head Location, and half the Drain Value in Corruption (rounded up).
Enuncia Whisperer (Susurro Voca)
Tier: 1, Unaligned
Prerequisite: Intelligence 35, Linguistics (Enuncia)
The character has through guile, luck or fate, obtained a fragment of the primordial language, Enuncia, and has managed to pronounce some fragments of it. This gives them access to buy one of the Words of Enuncia (although in-game exposition must occur for their gaining the information): Expletive, Past or Nothing. When using Enuncia they suffer a -10 to all tests (non-cumulative) until they receive some sort of healing to represent the unavoidable damage done to their mouths.
Enuncia Expert (Peritus Voca)
Tier 2, Unaligned
Prerequisite: Intelligence 40, Enuncia Whisperer
After intense and painful training, often from the upper echelons of cults or through tomes of the darkest lore, the character has gained some mastery over Enuncia and no longer suffers a -10 to all tests when using the primordial words (although they still suffer considerable superficial damage) and are susceptible to damage from failed Drain Value Tests. They gain access to the following Words of Enuncia: Conjugation, Past, Do and Unknown (provided they know the pre-requisite words).
Enuncia Master (Magister Voca)
Tier 3, Unaligned
Prerequisite: Intelligence 45, Enuncia Whisperer, Enuncia Expert
Few in the history of the galaxy have attained this level of control over the primordial language, and they are to be greatly feared for the very powers of creation are quite literally on the tips of their tongues. They only suffer superficial damage from Whispers and Reports and always reduce any damage suffered from failed Drain Value Tests by 1. They have access to all the Words of Enuncia (provided they know the prerequisite words).
Value: 100 xp
Focus Power Test: Agility
Range: 10m x Drain Value
The Voca can conjure a bolt of pure force directed at a single opponent; a Challenging (+/-0) Ballistic Skill Test is required to hit the target. Expletive deals 1d10 Impact Damage with a bonus of +2 Damage per Drain Value.
Value: 200 xp
Prerequisites: Expletive
Focus Power Test: Opposed Agility
Range: 10m (Whisper), 20m (Report), 30m (Shout)
The Voca can wrap a target in crushing bands of force. Make an Opposed Test, pitting the Voca's Agility against the target’s Willpower. If the Voca wins the Opposed Test, he may inflict 1d10 Impact Damage with a bonus of +1 Damage per Drain Value. The Voca may also Grapple the target (see page 240, Black Crusade Core Rules), substituting his Agility bonus for his Strength bonus. Sustaining the Conjugation is a Half Action that requires an additional Opposed Test and Drain Test.
Value: 500 xp
Prerequisites: Expletive, Conjugation
Focus Power Test: Agility
Range: 5m x Drain Value radius
The Voca has developed his diction to the furthest reaches humanly possible. He can generate a rain of force bolts that can smash his enemies in a savage storm of primordial fury. The Voca can pick out a number of targets equal to his Drain Value for each Round that he maintains Wrought. The Voca must make a Challenging (+/-0) Ballistic Skill Test to hit each of the targets, and deals 2d10 Impact Damage with a bonus of +2 Damage per Drain Value. No target may be hit more than once per Round. Sustaining Wrought is a Half Action that requires an additional Agility Test and Drain Test.
Value: 100 xp
Focus Power Test: Perception
Range: Personal
Uttering Present allows the Voca to briefly peer into the near future and see possible outcomes and potential dangers. Until the end of his next Turn, the Voca gains a +30 bonus to one Skill Test. Wrought may not be attempted at a Drain Value below the Voca's Toughness Bonus.
Value: 200 xp
Prerequisites: Present
Focus Power Test: Perception
Range: 1m x Drain Value radius
The use of Past allows the Voca to learn more about others from the crude traces of warp and aether they leave behind on objects and places in the world around them. In its simplest form, the Voca can gain rough impressions from an object or a general area by maintaining physical contact and making a Perception Test.
10 Rounds: The Voca can detect the strongest emotion associated with the area or object.
20 Rounds: The Voca can see the general features of the person who experienced the emotion
30 Rounds: The Voca gets a clear image of the person who experienced the emotion
40 Rounds: The Voca is able to identify the person’s race or Archetype (GM's choice)
50 Rounds: The Voca can now determine the name of the person
+10 Rounds: The Voca discovers one additional fact (determined by the GM)
Value: 300 xp
Prerequisites: Past, Present
Focus Power Test: Perception
Range: Personal (2m x Drain Value radius)
At this level of skill, the Voca has learned how to explore multiple outcomes to different choices and actions, and is able to sort through them in less than a heartbeat. The Voca must succeed at a Focus Power Test. If successful, the speaker gains a +10 bonus to all Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill Tests, and Ballistic Skill Tests against him are at a –20 penalty—these benefits apply until the end of the Voca's next Turn, unless Future is Sustained.
Additionally, he can see glimpses of the dangers in his immediate vicinity and shout warnings to his comrades within 2m x Drain Value radius to warn them of incoming attacks. Allies beyond this range are outside the scope of his power to foresee. All Ballistic Skill Tests against those so warned suffer a –5 penalty. Future may not be attempted with a Drain Value below the Voca's Toughness Bonus.
Value: 100 xp
Focus Power Test: Opposed Fellowship
Range: 10m (Whisper), 30m (Report), 50m (Shout)
The Voca has learned how to block the sensory perception of the target. The Voca makes an Opposed Fellowship Test against the target's Willpower, and if the Voca wins the Opposed Test the target is struck deaf, blind, and is unable to scent or taste for as long as the Voca sustains the power plus 1d5 rounds.
Value: 200 xp
Prerequisites: Nothing (see above)
Focus Power Test: Opposed Fellowship
Range: 5m (Whisper), 15m (Report), 30m (Shout)
Do allows the Voca to force others to briefly act against their will. The Voca makes an Opposed Fellowship Test against the target's Willpower, and if the Voca wins the Opposed Test the target must follow his commands. The commands must be simple and achievable in one Round. Some examples include “Flee,” “Fall,” “Attack the closest target,” and so forth. If the command is a potentially suicidal act, the target receives a +20 to his Opposed Fellowship Test.
Value: 200 xp
Prerequisites: Nothing (see above)
Focus Power Test: Fellowship
Range: 5m x Drain Value
The true word for that which is unknown is so terrifying that it drives the most stalwart mortals to flee for their lives. If the Voca succeeds at the Focus Power Test, the target is affected as if the speaker possessed the Fear (1) Trait. The speaker may increase the level of the Fear Trait by 1 for every 3 Drain Value he uses in the Focus Power Test.
Value: 300 xp
Prerequisites: Nothing, Do or Unknown (see above)
Focus Power Test: Fellowship
Range: 5m x Drain Value
Uttering Stop pulls at the very conduits of consciousness and the Voca can injure or stun an opponent out to a range of 5m x Drain Value. The Voca must pass a Focus Power Test to hit his target, and deals 1d10 Impact Damage (with a bonus of +1 per Drain Value) with the Shocking Quality (see page 116, Black Crusade Core Rules). The target suffers a penalty to his Toughness Test to resist Stunning equal to –5 times the speaker's Drain Value. If the target fails the Toughness Test, he is stunned for a number of Rounds equal to half the Drain Value used (rounding up).
GM Note: Enuncia is mechanically a very powerful ability and should be doled out carefully and slowly, whether it be through a Daemon that is slowly feeding their worshiper knowledge or through the collection of esoteric artifacts and lore. Knowing a few words of Enuncia would be a very powerful boost to any character, but knowing many or all of them would be devastating. Heretics with altered vocal cords of any kind cannot take this feat, as the natural connection between their voice and soul has been severed (Sorry, Space Marines). Avoid allowing players to use it without restraint as it opens up the potential for accruing Corruption Points very quickly (which in some cases could unbalance their characters in terms of power, making this a very dangerous ability for Psykers in particular).
Example: Grimes the Rogue Trader is cornered by a two Ork pirates during a raid. Fortunately he's got an ace up his sleeve, some ancient lore from long before the Great Crusade.