For GMs who wish to incorporate Condition for gear/equipment items (such as an Auspex, a Portable Cogitator, a Multi-Tool, and etc) 4+ DoF while using said item of gear/equipment reduces its Condition by -1. The Condition of such items imposing/bestowing any additional drawbacks/benefits beyond their descriptions is left entirely to GM discretion (at least until a full rewrite).
Note: Weapon and Armour (and item) Condition is not intended for use with Cover and Vehicle DV.
Weapon and Armour Condition
Melee Weapon, Ranged Weapon, and Armour Condition is based upon Craftsmanship. There are seven Tiers of Craftsmanship: Tier Α/Ω- Legacy/Relic, Tier 1- Artificer (or "Master Crafted"), Tier 2- Best, Tier 3- Good, Tier 4- Common, Tier 5- Poor, and Tier 6- Useless.
When a weapon or piece of armour is required to make a Condition Check, the Player rolls 1d10- if the result of the die roll is =/> the item's Craftsmanship Tier number the item's Condition remains unchanged, and if the result of the die roll is < the item's Craftsmanship Tier number the item's Condition has deteriorated.
Tier Α/Ω sets the bar by which all other Tiers are measured- these items represent the paragons of their type and must be subjected to truly epic circumstances in order to suffer Condition deterioration. At the other end of the spectrum, Tier 6 (Useless) items may be repaired to their original Condition, dependent upon the ability (Trade Skill) of the craftsman.
When a weapon or piece of armour is required to make a Condition Check, the Player rolls 1d10- if the result of the die roll is =/> the item's Craftsmanship Tier number the item's Condition remains unchanged, and if the result of the die roll is < the item's Craftsmanship Tier number the item's Condition has deteriorated.
Tier Α/Ω sets the bar by which all other Tiers are measured- these items represent the paragons of their type and must be subjected to truly epic circumstances in order to suffer Condition deterioration. At the other end of the spectrum, Tier 6 (Useless) items may be repaired to their original Condition, dependent upon the ability (Trade Skill) of the craftsman.
Making Condition Checks
Melee/Ranged Weapons- When a CC or RC Test results in a Jam/Overheat (96+ in the case of Melee weapons, including Tests made to Parry)- also see Special Weapons Quality: Reliable- the Player must make a Condition Check (see above for details). Also, when a weapon without Special Weapon Quality: Power parries or is parried by a weapon with the Special Weapon Quality: Destructive and/or Power there is a flat 75% chance the weapon's Condition is automatically reduced, otherwise making a Condition Check as normal.
Armour- When a PC is hit by any weapon that causes Righteous Fury, or by a weapon with the Special Weapon Quality: Destructive and/or Power, the Player must make a Condition Check. However, if the DV of the armour is listed as having a +X value and is hit by a weapon with the Special Weapon Quality: Destructive and/or Power there is a flat 75% chance the armour's Condition is automatically reduced, otherwise making a Condition Check as normal.
Repairing Condition Deterioration
To repair Condition Deterioration of items requires the use of an appropriate Trade Skill (typically Trade: Armourer or Technomat). The Skill Test is Challenging (+/-0), further modified as follows:
Subtract the item's original Craftsmanship Tier Rating from it's current Tier Rating, and multiply the remainder by ten, with the result being a penalty to the Trade Skill Test- ex: a Best Craftsmanship (Tier 2) Autogun is currently Useless (Tier 6), so 6-2 = 4x10 = -40.
Trade Skill Tests may be Assisted, and may also be further modified by the availability of proper repair facilities and/or tools at the GM's discretion.
The time required to affect repairs is a number of days equal to the difference between the item's original Tier and its current Tier (in the ex above: 6-2 = 4 days). Note that PCs without the appropriate Trade Skills may find it easier (if not faster) to acquire a replacement item rather than having a Useless item repaired.
PCs may, if they choose, have items repaired to a barely-functioning Condition (Tier 5) in the interest of desperate need.
PCs may, if they choose, have items repaired to a barely-functioning Condition (Tier 5) in the interest of desperate need.
Drawbacks/Benefits of Craftsmanship/Condition
Tier Α/Ω (Legacy and/or Relic)- These weapons and armours possess unique attributes (often both positive and negative). These items do not conform to many of the "standard" drawbacks/benefit of Craftsmanship- any drawbacks/benefits of any individual weapon/armour are assigned specifically by the GM, with the one exception being that all Tier Α/Ω items are completely immune to the Destructive and Power Special Weapon Qualities
Note: GMs wishing to incorporate Tier Α/Ω weapons and armours into their games can draw inspiration from Armour History as published in the Deathwatch Core Rules and its supplements and/or Black Crusade's 'Tome Of Blood' while using the Craftsmanship rules detailed below.
Tier Α/Ω items cannot be acquired through the use of Influence alone- they must be gained through role play (whether as loan or "gift", treasure, or the spoils of victory).
Tier 1 (Artificer or "Master Crafted")- These items are as much works of art as they are implements of war. They are adorned with etched images, litanies, prayer/purity seals, and/or precious gems/materials, and have been calibrated to function with the highest possible degree of consistency- Tier 1 weapons possess the Weapon Special Quality: Reliable, provide a +10 to CC/RC Tests, and increase their base Damage by +2, while Tier 1 armours reduce their Wt by one-half (rounded up), and increase their base DV by +2 (excluding DV values listed as being +X).
All Tier 1 items are +5 Rarity.
Tier 2 (Best)- These items have been manufactured to a extremely high standard and are usually intended as "gifts" (awards or testimonials) given to significant individuals- Tier 2 weapons possess the Weapon Special Quality: Reliable, provide a +5 to CC/RC Tests, and increase their base Damage by +1, while Tier 2 armours reduce their Wt by one-quarter (rounded up), and increase their base DV by +1 (excluding DV values listed as being +X).
All Tier 2 items are +4 Rarity.
Tier 3 (Good)- These items have been manufactured using superior designs and materials, but are still "mass produced", though predominantly in Mechanicus-contracted fanes. Tier 3 weapons provide a +5 to CC/RC Tests, while Tier 3 armours reduce their Wt by ten percent (rounded up).
All Tier 3 items are +2 Rarity.
Tier 4 (Common)- These items have been manufactured using standard designs and materials, and are produced in (relatively) great quantities. Tier 4 items are +/-0, with no CC/RC bonuses or penalties associated with their use.
All Tier 4 items are +/-0 Rarity.
Tier 5 (Poor)- These items have been manufactured using inferior designs and materials, and are either mass produced by "charlatan" manufacturers or are "one-off" replicas of superior items. Use of Tier 5 weapons results in -5 to CC/RC Tests and -1 to their base Damage, while Tier 5 Medium and Heavy armours are twenty-five percent heavier (rounded up) and increase their base DV by +1 (excluding DV values listed as being +X).
All Tier 5 items are +/-0 Rarity.
Tier 6 (Useless)- These items are Useless, either as a result of declining Condition or poor maintenance, and they require appropriate Trade Skills to return to functionality. Useless items cannot be made to work or used in any effective way until repaired to at least Tier 5.
Should it become important, all Tier 6 items are +/-0 Rarity.
Weapon Special Qualities
Note: Although they have no affect on their Condition, Weapon Special Qualities will otherwise affect Cover and Vehicle DV exactly as if it were Personal DV.
Alien/Xenos Manufacture- Weapons with this Quality are constructed with a completely "alien" perspective. The function of these weapons may be (relatively) obvious to a Human, but the subtleties of their operation are unlikely to be intuitive. By way of example, Tau physiology is similar to that of Humans, but the specific differences in the bone structure and number of digits of a Tau's hand make the use of their weapons "fiddly" and awkward. By way of comparison, Dark Eldar weaponry is of sleek and slight manufacture, the materials used in the construction lightweight, and Humans are likely to misjudge the weight and potential recoil (or lack thereof) of such weapons. Additionally, Dark Eldar weapons are adorned will all manner of seemingly superfluous hooks, razor-sharp edges, and barbs, making it difficult to maintain a grip without uncomfortable (ofttimes painful) distractions.
PCs attempting to use a weapon of Xenos Manufacture without the proper "training" suffer a -30 to Close Combat or Ranged Combat Tests (as appropriate). PCs "trained" in the use of Xenos Manufactured weapons suffer a -10 to Close Combat and Ranged Combat Tests.
Unless the GM determines otherwise, all items of Xenos Manufacture are treated as being of Common Craftsmanship when used by anyone other than their intended (read as racial) user(s) for the purposes of determining their Wt, and CC/RC Test, Damage, and DV modifiers- an alien item retains its alien psychological stigma, regardless of its Craftsmanship.
At the GM's discretion, weapons of Xenos Manufacture may be "Tinkered" (see further)to make them more accommodating for Human use- alterations require the Forbidden Lore: Xenos Skill (no Test needed) and a successful Very Hard (-30) Trade: Armourer Test. If the Test is successful, the inherent -10 penalty associated with the use of a Xenos Manufactured weapons is negated, but only when used by the person for which the weapon was altered. If the Test is failed (by any number of degrees) the inherent -10 penalty remains, the weapons gains the Special Weapon Quality: Unreliable or Unwieldy (as appropriate), and its Craftsmanship is reduced -1 per DoF (which may make the weapon more difficult to use effectively, or even render it Useless). Repairing Condition Deterioration of Xenos Manufacture items incurs an additional -30 to Trade Skill Tests.
Some weapon Modifications and Upgrades that are of Xenos Manufacture may or may not function properly for Humans (such as Sights/Targeters)- this is left entirely to the GM's discretion. Any item of Xenos Manufacture that does not function properly for Humans still retains its value as a Cold Trade device- when dealing with through appropriate (read as illegal) channels, a Cold Trade device may be traded for a one-time +20 bonus to any single-item Acquisition Test, though this may result in -2 Subtlety (GM's discretion).
Note: The (orthodox) Adeptus Mechanicus consider "Tinkering" of Xenos Manufacture items to be of use to Humans as a vile tech-heresy, punishable by Servitorization or Death.
This Quality includes all items of Xenos Manufacture (weapons, gear, etc) whether the nature of their provenance is understood or not, and should not be confused with the Counterfeit Xenos Weapon Upgrade (Rogue Trader supplement 'Hostile Acquisitions', pg. 56). Counterfeit Xenos weapons appear "exotic" but lack a truly alien perspective in their construction, and their use/operation is easily intuited.
Archaic- The technologies used to manufacture Archaic items is little understood or the knowledge is long lost to the ages- when making a Trade Skill Test to repair Condition Deterioration, the Archaic nature of the item imposes an additional -10 penalty.
Balanced- Weapons with this Quality provide a +10 bonus to Parry Tests. This bonus may only be used once per Round, even if the PC is wielding multiple weapons that possess this Quality. Note: For further clarification, PCs may use the Balanced and Defensive bonuses once each in any given Round (see Special Weapon Quality: Defensive, further).
Blast (X)- Weapons with this Quality may either be targeted to hit a specific opponent- a Challenging (+/-0) RC Test, modified as normal- or targeted to land "in the open" where its AoE will have a greater effect- a Hard (-20) Ag Test, further modified as normal.
When calculating Damage caused by a weapon with this Quality, anyone within (X)- the Blast radius meters- is hit. Roll Damage once and apply the total to each target affected by the Blast.
Some few Blast weapons may also possess the Special Weapon Quality: Expanding- shrapnel fragments buzz and sting at exposed flesh like angry hornets. Each 2 DoS results in an additional +1 to (X) meters and an additional +2 Damage.
Note: Special Weapon Quality: Expanding stacks with the effects of Modify Payload (Talent).
Concussive (X)- Concussive weapons create a deafening shock wave when they hit.
Targets hit by a Concussive weapon must make a Toughness Test with a penalty equal to 5x the weapon's Rating. Targets with Sonar Sense (Trait) or Heightened Senses (Hearing) suffer an additional -10 penalty (unless wearing fully-enclosed armour with Auto-Sense Filters, such as Power/Terminator Armour). Light Armour provides no protection from the shock wave, Medium Armour bestows a +10 bonus to the Toughness Test, Heavy Armour +20, Astartes Power Armour +30 and +40 if wearing Terminator Armour.
A failed Toughness Test results in the target being Stunned for a number of Turns equal to their DoF on the Toughness Test, even if the target does not sustain an Injury. Additionally, if the target does sustain an Injury, any Dazed result is instead treated as Stunned.
The effects of Special Weapon Quality: Concussive stacks with Damage Type [I].
Some Concussive weapons (such as Thunder Hammers) also possess the Special Weapon Quality: Destructive and/or Power.
Some Concussive weapons (such as Thunder Hammers) also possess the Special Weapon Quality: Destructive and/or Power.
Note: As a general guide, "Civilian" Concussive weapons (such as Shock Mauls) will posses a Rating of 1-4 (as determined by the GM), while Astartes/Legion Concussive weapons (such as Thunder Hammers) will possess a Rating of 2-5.
Corrosive (X)- Corrosive weapons utilize extremely caustic and reactive chemicals (and can include acidic spittle, fiendishly tainted blood or bile, and etc) or incorporate esoteric and/or manufactured compounds that are anathema to organics and minerals. Corrosives need not be liquid, and may also take the form of powders, gasses, or granular crystals.
The Rating of Corrosive weapons (1-5) determines the number of d5 rolled +X to determine the total reduction to DV/Damage inflicted and its [T]oxic Rating (see Special Weapon Quality: Toxic)- ex: Evan is hit by a Corrosive (3) weapon; the GM rolls 3d5+3.
When a target is hit by a Corrosive weapon any Augmetic, Cover, Natural, Personal and/or Vehicle DV are first permanently reduced by the weapon's Rating. Naturally, the outer-most layer of Armour will be affected first, and quite possibly will continue through successive layers until reaching the target's skin/hide. A PC may shed his/her (Location) Armour prior to taking Damage by spending his/her entire Turn and succeeding on a Routine (+20) Ag Test.
Due to the very nature of Corrosive weapons they never possess a Penetration value.
Almost all Corrosive weapons also possess the Special Weapon Quality: Spray and Toxic- there are few exceptions- and it is therefor recommended Corrosive weapons (and attacks) be extremely rare.
Note- Repairing Corroded DV:
The Rating of Corrosive weapons (1-5) determines the number of d5 rolled +X to determine the total reduction to DV/Damage inflicted and its [T]oxic Rating (see Special Weapon Quality: Toxic)- ex: Evan is hit by a Corrosive (3) weapon; the GM rolls 3d5+3.
When a target is hit by a Corrosive weapon any Augmetic, Cover, Natural, Personal and/or Vehicle DV are first permanently reduced by the weapon's Rating. Naturally, the outer-most layer of Armour will be affected first, and quite possibly will continue through successive layers until reaching the target's skin/hide. A PC may shed his/her (Location) Armour prior to taking Damage by spending his/her entire Turn and succeeding on a Routine (+20) Ag Test.
Due to the very nature of Corrosive weapons they never possess a Penetration value.
Almost all Corrosive weapons also possess the Special Weapon Quality: Spray and Toxic- there are few exceptions- and it is therefor recommended Corrosive weapons (and attacks) be extremely rare.
Note- Repairing Corroded DV:
Destructive (X)- On a failed Condition Check, this weapon reduces the [Damage Type] DV of Armour by (X) per hit, or weapon/item Condition by (X) per hit. Example Destructive weapons are Melta/Plasma weapons, Power Fists, and Thunder Hammers. This Quality will have a Rating of 1-5.
Felling- [+X to Injury Category, where X = the target's DoF on its Resist Injury Test]
Knock Down- A target that is hit by this weapon at Point Blank or Short Range, even if no Injury is sustained, must make a Challenging (+/-0) Toughness Test or be knocked to the Prone Stance.
Scatter- Weapons with this Quality are +3 Damage at Point Blank Range, +1 at Short Range, +/-0 at Effective Range, -1 at Medium Range, -2 at Long Range, and -4 at Extreme Range.
Felling- [+X to Injury Category, where X = the target's DoF on its Resist Injury Test]
Knock Down- A target that is hit by this weapon at Point Blank or Short Range, even if no Injury is sustained, must make a Challenging (+/-0) Toughness Test or be knocked to the Prone Stance.
Scatter- Weapons with this Quality are +3 Damage at Point Blank Range, +1 at Short Range, +/-0 at Effective Range, -1 at Medium Range, -2 at Long Range, and -4 at Extreme Range.
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