~Commissar Alekzanter Kurn, Assigned to the Horan XLVII Heavy Assault
EDIT "Update" is an understatement. I've had some time to read through this proposal, rebuilding and refining it around the original framework. I've also included the mechanics for Healing & Recovery. It's really not as complicated as it looks, although it does require a fresh look at weapons and Special Weapon Qualities (which are currently in the works).
As of 10/3/13 I've expanded Tables 1-2 and 1-8 to include TB7, 8, and 9 (the highest possible TB).
As of 12/10/13 play testing continues. /EDIT
So, back to it then...
The DH2e Beta is "on hold" EDIT scrapped. /EDIT In the meantime, forumites are speculating about its Injury mechanic, myself included. While enjoying a cigarette on the front stoop in this beautiful Autumn weather, I sat reading the Injury mechanics of the venerable GW table-top "RPG", Inquisitor. What follows is the product of seven minute's musing.
When a PC is hit by an attack that causes Damage, he/she reduces the Defensive Value (DV) of any personal Armour and/or Cover by the attack's Penetration value (Pen), then reduces the Damage by the remaining DV.
Toughness Bonus no longer reduces Damage (excepting Daemonic creatures; see below). Instead, it determines how much Damage a PC can withstand before suffering Fatigue and Injury.
This proposal completely disregards the mechanic of numeric Wounds and their tracking.
Any amount of Damage that bypasses DV is compared to the PC's Injury Threshold.
TABLE 1-1: Injury Threshold
- Category Zero- Damage </= 1x the PC's TB: No Test; No Fatigue, No Injury
- Category 1- Damage > 1x the PC's TB: No Fatigue, Light Injury
- Category 2- Damage > 2x the PC's TB: No Fatigue, Heavy Injury
- Category 3- Damage > 3x the PC's TB: +1 Fatigue, Serious Injury
- Category 4- Damage > 4x the PC's TB: +2 Fatigue, Acute Injury
- Category 5- Damage > 5x the PC's TB: +3 Fatigue, Crippling Injury
- Category 6- Damage > 6x the PC's TB: Lethal Injury (Instant Death)
Mooks/Goons/Thugs are automatically "taken out" when they suffer a Light, Heavy, or Serious Injury (their general resilience chosen by the GM), Elites when they have suffered an Acute Injury, and Master-level opponents use the Injury rules in their entirety.
Regarding Daemonic Creatures: Creatures possessing the Daemonic Trait are immune to the [W] Damage Type- they cannot suffer [PCD]. Additionally, unless the weapon/ammunition used to attack them is Imperium-Blessed/Sanctified or possesses Special Weapon Quality: Flame*, any Damage calculations are reduced by their TB before making comparisons to Table 1-1: Injury Threshold.
* Daemonic creatures dedicated to Khorne are completely immune to Special Weapon Quality: Flame unless the fuel is Imperium-Bless/Sanctified.
Imperium-Blessed/Sanctified weapons inflict Injuries on Daemonic creatures as normal.
Daemonic creatures are extremely resilient, however they do suffer Warp Instability, their mercifully tenuous grasp on reality often equalizing their extreme physical resilience.
Once you have determined the Category of the Injury inflicted, the target makes a Resist Injury Test (which is a Toughness-based Test)- find the PC's TB in the top row and reference it downward to the appropriate Injury Category to determine the Resist Injury Test +/- modifier- unless otherwise specified, an unmodified result of 96+ automatically fails.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 -5 +/-0 +5 +10 +15 +20 96+ R R
2 -10 -5 +/-0 +5 +10 +15 +20 R R
3 -15 -10 -5 +/-0 +5 +10 +15 96+ R
4 =][= -15 -10 -5 +/-0 +5 +10 +15 1/96+
5 =][= -20 -15 -10 -5 +/-0 +5 +10 2/96+
6 =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][=
The Resist Injury Test is further modified (+) DV- compare the Damage Type of the attack with the corresponding DV; any DV greater than zero results in a positive modifier to the PC's Resist Injury Test.
The target reduces the Injury Category sustained -1 for each DoS on the Resist Injury Test as follows:
- If the PC's current Injury Status is Uninjured he/she may, with enough DoS, altogether avoid sustaining an Injury.
- If the PC's current Injury Status is anything other than Uninjured he/she is limited to reducing his/her Injury Status to a minimum of Category 1.
- Notation 96+: Only a result of 96+ on the Resist Injury Test fails.
- Notation R: Creatures with TB8 and TB9 automatically Resist these Injuries.
- Notations 1 and 2: Creatures with TB9 treat Acute Injuries as Light Injuries, and Crippling Injuries and Heavy Injuries. The amount of Damage required to inflict these Injuries remains unchanged.
- =][= represents Lethal Injury/Instant Death- the Injury is too severe to Resist.
TB7, 8, and 9 represent very resilient opponents such as Veteran Space Marines, Ork Mega-Nobs, Wraithlords, and Daemon Princes (to name a few).
Next, whether multiple injuries are inflicted in the same Round or in subsequent Rounds, each Injury inflicted will stack. As an example, Evan (a Warden of the Divisio Immoralis, TB3) was previously hit in his Head, luckily taking only a Category 1 Injury (a Light Injury). Should Evan happen to suffer another Injury, say to his Groin, he must add the Injury Category he is already suffering (1) to the the Category of the next Injury he sustains. Ex: if the next attack inflicted Damage > 2x Evan's modified TB (7-9 points, Category 2), his Resist Injury Test is +5, and if he fails he adds his current Injury Category (1) to the newest Injury's Category (2), and suffers a Serious Injury to his Groin. However, if instead his Resist Injury Test results in 1+ DoS he only suffers a Heavy Injury.
The Hit Location Chart will have [Damage Type] boxes set aside for DV by Location. Additionally, there will be an Injury Status track nearby with seven boxes, ranging from Uninjured (Category Zero) to Lethal Injury (Category 6)- this will allow the Player to track the Injury Status of a PC more easily (note that marking the Lethal Injury box is a superfluous detail). This track will also have space for recording Injury effects.
As stated previously, when a PC is hit any Damage that bypasses Armour is compared to the PC's Injury Threshold to determine the Injury Category of the hit. The PC then makes a Resist Injury Test- if when hit the PC is currently Uninjured he/she may completely shrug off the attack, and if the PC is currently Injured he/she lowers the Category of the Injury sustained by -1 per DoS on the Resist Injury Test.
Once the Injury Category is determined, the amount of Damage that bypassed Armour is recorded alongside the PC's Current Injury Status.
Evan, a Warden of the Divisio Immoralis, has TB3 (T34) and is wearing Clothing (field uniform and cap), a Hardened Bodyglove, and a Blast Coat. He is also carrying a Riot-pattern Shield on his Left Arm.
His DV by Locations are:
Evan's Injury Threshold (TB3) looks like this:
After marking Evan's current Injury Status (Injury Category 1, Light Injury), the Player records 5 Damage alongside, then applies any effects of the Injury that has been sustained- Evan is Dazed for 1 Turn (-10 to all Tests until the end of his next Turn).
Evan's Injury Status Track would then look like this:
IC S Damage Effect
1 X 5 Dazed 1 Turn
Lethal Injury
As the confrontation continues (two Rounds later), Evan is hit twice- first in the Right Leg, then in the Torso- by a Semi-Auto burst from a Stubber. The first hit does 8[I] Damage, reduced for Armour is 5, Injury Category 1 (Light Injury). A successful Resist Injury Test cannot shrug off the Injury (because Evan is currently Injured), so the Injury Category of this recent Injury (1) "stacks" (is cumulative) with his current Injury Status (1), resulting in Evan sustaining a Heavy Injury (Category 2).
The second hit results in Righteous Fury- Damage is calculated as normal (d10+1+RCB=10), with the DoS that resulted from the Ranged Combat Test (3) being added as bonus Damage (Righteous Fury), for a total Damage 13[I].
After reducing Damage by DV, we see he again takes 8 Damage- a Heavy Injury. Again, a successful Resist Injury Test cannot shrug off the Injury, so the Injury Category of this recent Injury (2) "stacks" (is cumulative) with his current Injury Status (2), resulting in Evan sustaining an Acute Injury (Category 4).
After marking Evan's new current Injury Status (Injury Category 4, Acute Injury), the Player records 8 Damage alongside, then applies any effects of the Injury that has been sustained- +2 Fatigue, [TCD2] S and T, Stunned for 2 Turns (cannot spend AP until the beginning of his third Turn after sustaining this Injury).
Note: If using the "fast and furious" Condition Deterioration rules, the [I] DV of Evan's Torso Armour is also reduced to 3 (see below).
Evan's Injury Status Track would then look like this:
IC S Damage Effect
1 X 8
2 X 5Stunned for 2 Turns
4 X 8 +2 Fatigue, [TCD2] S and T, Stunned for 2 Turns
Lethal Injury
A single, separate letter-sized sheet detailing the specific effects of Injury Categories by Location will accompany each Character Sheet, and each time a PC sustains an Injury its effects are noted on the PC's Character Sheet and applied in game-play until Healed/Recovered- below is a simple version (no special layout or graphics) of this detailed sheet:
Note: Wherein the following Tables it says "Reduce [Damage Type] DV" the effect is the result of sustaining a hit, whether the PC sustains an Injury or not, and are cumulative- a PC hit in the Head may ignore a Critical Injury, but the [Damage Type] DV would be reduced -3 (-1 for Acute and -2 for Critical). Additionally, wherein the Tables it says "All DV reduced to Zero" the attack and/or its result has completely destroyed all Armour on that Location. This rule is a "fast and furious" alternative to 'Armour/Weapon Craftsmanship & Condition'.
Also see Special Weapon Quality: Destructive.
TABLE 1-3: Head (1)
Dazed PCs suffer a -10 penalty to all Characteristic-based Tests.
STUNNED (Effect)
PCs that are Stunned may not spend AP and their Evasion Tests suffer a -20 penalty.
FATIGUE (Effect) Abbr: Ftg
Toughness represents the body's ability to continue through exhaustion/exertion (Ftg), extreme exposure (Brn; includes sub-zero temperatures/the void), and/or exsanguination (Bld). A PC's Fatigue Threshold (aka FT) equals his/her TB+3. A PC suffering Fatigue (from any source) that is in excess of his/her FT will become Unconscious, remaining so for d5+1 Rounds (Structured Time), or 1 minute (Narrative Time) per point of Fatigue in excess of their FT- ex: Evan has T36 (TB3); with FT6 he will become Unconscious when his level of Fatigue is 7+.
While Fatigued, all Tests suffer a cumulative -5 penalty for each point of Fatigue.
A PC suffering Fatigue in excess of 3x his/her Fatigue Threshold dies- ex: Evan will die when the combined effects of Bleeding and/or Burning and/or Fatigue is 19+.
Fatigue, including Bleeding and Burning, are recovered as follows:
The Hit Location Chart will have [Damage Type] boxes set aside for DV by Location. Additionally, there will be an Injury Status track nearby with seven boxes, ranging from Uninjured (Category Zero) to Lethal Injury (Category 6)- this will allow the Player to track the Injury Status of a PC more easily (note that marking the Lethal Injury box is a superfluous detail). This track will also have space for recording Injury effects.
As stated previously, when a PC is hit any Damage that bypasses Armour is compared to the PC's Injury Threshold to determine the Injury Category of the hit. The PC then makes a Resist Injury Test- if when hit the PC is currently Uninjured he/she may completely shrug off the attack, and if the PC is currently Injured he/she lowers the Category of the Injury sustained by -1 per DoS on the Resist Injury Test.
Once the Injury Category is determined, the amount of Damage that bypassed Armour is recorded alongside the PC's Current Injury Status.
Evan, a Warden of the Divisio Immoralis, has TB3 (T34) and is wearing Clothing (field uniform and cap), a Hardened Bodyglove, and a Blast Coat. He is also carrying a Riot-pattern Shield on his Left Arm.
His DV by Locations are:
- Head [E] Zero [I] 2 [R] 1 [X] 2
- Arms [E] 3 [I] 5 [R] 4 [X] 5
- Torso [E] 3 [I] 5 [R] 4 [X] 5
- Groin [E] 3 [I] 5 [R] 4 [X] 5
- Legs [E] 3 [I] 3 [R] 4 [X] 3
- Shield (L/R) DV: 3 (Riot-pattern)
- Category 0 1-3 Damage- Uninjured/No Injury
- Category 1 4-6 Damage- Light Injury +5
- Category 2 7-9 Damage- Heavy Injury +/-0
- Category 3 10-12 Damage- Serious Injury -5
- Category 4 13-15 Damage- Acute Injury -10
- Category 5 16-18 Damage- Crippling Injury -15
- Category 6 19+ Damage- Lethal Injury, Instant Death
After marking Evan's current Injury Status (Injury Category 1, Light Injury), the Player records 5 Damage alongside, then applies any effects of the Injury that has been sustained- Evan is Dazed for 1 Turn (-10 to all Tests until the end of his next Turn).
Evan's Injury Status Track would then look like this:
IC S Damage Effect
1 X 5 Dazed 1 Turn
Lethal Injury
As the confrontation continues (two Rounds later), Evan is hit twice- first in the Right Leg, then in the Torso- by a Semi-Auto burst from a Stubber. The first hit does 8[I] Damage, reduced for Armour is 5, Injury Category 1 (Light Injury). A successful Resist Injury Test cannot shrug off the Injury (because Evan is currently Injured), so the Injury Category of this recent Injury (1) "stacks" (is cumulative) with his current Injury Status (1), resulting in Evan sustaining a Heavy Injury (Category 2).
The second hit results in Righteous Fury- Damage is calculated as normal (d10+1+RCB=10), with the DoS that resulted from the Ranged Combat Test (3) being added as bonus Damage (Righteous Fury), for a total Damage 13[I].
After reducing Damage by DV, we see he again takes 8 Damage- a Heavy Injury. Again, a successful Resist Injury Test cannot shrug off the Injury, so the Injury Category of this recent Injury (2) "stacks" (is cumulative) with his current Injury Status (2), resulting in Evan sustaining an Acute Injury (Category 4).
After marking Evan's new current Injury Status (Injury Category 4, Acute Injury), the Player records 8 Damage alongside, then applies any effects of the Injury that has been sustained- +2 Fatigue, [TCD2] S and T, Stunned for 2 Turns (cannot spend AP until the beginning of his third Turn after sustaining this Injury).
Note: If using the "fast and furious" Condition Deterioration rules, the [I] DV of Evan's Torso Armour is also reduced to 3 (see below).
Evan's Injury Status Track would then look like this:
IC S Damage Effect
1 X 8
2 X 5
4 X 8 +2 Fatigue, [TCD2] S and T, Stunned for 2 Turns
Lethal Injury
A single, separate letter-sized sheet detailing the specific effects of Injury Categories by Location will accompany each Character Sheet, and each time a PC sustains an Injury its effects are noted on the PC's Character Sheet and applied in game-play until Healed/Recovered- below is a simple version (no special layout or graphics) of this detailed sheet:
Note: Wherein the following Tables it says "Reduce [Damage Type] DV" the effect is the result of sustaining a hit, whether the PC sustains an Injury or not, and are cumulative- a PC hit in the Head may ignore a Critical Injury, but the [Damage Type] DV would be reduced -3 (-1 for Acute and -2 for Critical). Additionally, wherein the Tables it says "All DV reduced to Zero" the attack and/or its result has completely destroyed all Armour on that Location. This rule is a "fast and furious" alternative to 'Armour/Weapon Craftsmanship & Condition'.
Also see Special Weapon Quality: Destructive.
TABLE 1-3: Head (1)
- Category Zero- Uninjured: No effects.
- Category 1- Light Injury: The PC receives a minor burn, contusion or cut, and is Dazed for 1 Turn.
- Category 2- Heavy Injury: The PC receives a flash burn or jarring blow and is Stunned for 1 Turn.
- Category 3- Serious Injury: The PC receives a scorching blast or savage blow- if the PC is not wearing a Helmet, or is wearing an open-faced Helmet, the Injury damages one of his/her senses (roll d5)- 1-2: smell- [TCD1] Per and Fel; 3-4: hearing- [TCD1] Per and Fel; 5: sight- [TCD2] Per and [TCD1] Fel. Helmet or no, the PC is Stunned for 1 Turn, and if the Injury is caused by [E] or [X] the PC also suffers +1 Fatigue.
- Category 4- Acute Injury: The PC receives a blistering burn or monstrous blow that cooks flesh or fractures/splits his/her skull. Unless caused by [E] this is a Bleeding 2 Injury. The PC also suffers [TCD1] Int, Per, WP, and Fel, and is Stunned for 2 Turns. If the Injury is caused by [E] replace Bleeding 2 with +1 Fatigue. Reduce [Damage Type] DV -1.
- Category 5- Crippling Injury: The PC receives a horrific burn or blow that (roll d10): 1-5 severely damages his/her frontal lobe or 6-10 destroys his/her larynx. Unless caused by [E] this is a Bleeding 3 Injury. The PC either suffers [PCD2] Int, Per, and Fel, or cannot speak until fitted with a tracheal vox-emitter, suffering [PCD3] Fel. The PC is also Stunned for d5 Turns. If the Injury is caused by [E] replace Bleeding 3 with +2 Fatigue. Reduce [Damage Type] DV -2.
- Category 6- Lethal Injury: The PC's Head is completely immolated, smashed, or severed from his/her neck, resulting in Instant Death. Unless Death was caused by [E] a messy pool of blood spills 1-meter radius around the deceased- movement through this area that is faster than a Walk requires a Difficult (-10) Agility Test, with failure resulting in falling Prone. If Death was caused by [E] a foul cloud smelling of cooked flesh and blood billows 2-meter radius about the deceased- Ranged Combat Tests made into, through, or out of this cloud are Hard (-20). Anyone witnessing the PC's Death must make a Challenging (+/-0) Willpower Test or suffer 2 Moral Corruption (1 if Jaded). All DV reduced to Zero.
- Category Zero- Uninjured: No effects.
- Category 1- Light Injury: The PC receives a minor burn, contusion or cut and must make a Routine (+20) Agility Test or drop any item held in the hand- the item Scatters d5-1 meters (to a minimum of zero meters). If the Injury is caused by [X] the PC is also Dazed for 1 Turn.
- Category 2- Heavy Injury: The PC receives a flash burn or jarring blow and must make an Ordinary (+10) Agility Test or drop any item held in the hand (which Scatters per Category 1, above). The PC is also Dazed for 1 Turns. If the Injury is caused by [E] or [X] the PC also suffers +1 Fatigue.
- Category 3- Serious Injury: The PC receives a scorching blast or savage blow that removes several of his/her fingers, suffering [TCD2] CC and RC, and automatically dropping any item held in the hand- the item Scatters d5 meters. The PC is also Stunned for 1 Turn. If the Injury is caused by [E] or [X] the PC also suffers +1 Fatigue.
- Category 4- Acute Injury: The PC receives a blistering burn or monstrous blow that fuses or fractures his/her wrist, elbow, or shoulder. The PC is Stunned for 1 Turn, automatically drops any item held in the hand (Scattering per Category 3, above), and suffers [TCD2] CC, RC, and S. If the Injury is caused by [E] or [X] the PC also suffers +1 Fatigue. Reduce [Damage Type] DV -1.
- Category 5- Crippling Injury: The PC receives a horrific burn or blow that destroys his/her Arm- it is completely useless and must be amputated, but may be replaced with a bionic/cybernetic. The PC is Stunned for 2 Turns, immediately drops any item held in the hand- the item Scatters d5+2 meters- suffers [TCD3] S, and unless caused by [E] this is a Bleeding 2 Injury. If the Injury is caused by [E] replace Bleeding 2 with +2 Fatigue. Reduce [Damage Type] DV -2.
- Category 6- Lethal Injury: The PC's Arm is completely immolated, torn, or severed from his/her body, resulting in Instant Death due to shock and blood loss. Any item held in the hand Scatters d5+2 meters. Unless Death was caused by [E] a messy pool of blood spills across an area 1-meter radius around the deceased- movement through this area that is faster than a Walk requires a Difficult (-10) Agility Test, with failure resulting in falling Prone. If Death was caused by [E] a foul cloud smelling of cooked flesh and blood billows 2-meter radius about the deceased- Ranged Combat Tests made into, through, or out of this cloud are Hard (-20). Anyone witnessing the PC's Death must make a Challenging (+/-0) Willpower Test or suffer 2 Moral Corruption (1 if Jaded). All DV reduced to Zero.
- Category Zero- Uninjured: No effects.
- Category 1- Light Injury: The PC receives a minor burn, contusion or cut, but otherwise suffers no effects unless the Injury is caused by [E] or [X]- if so the PC is Dazed for 1 Turn.
- Category 2- Heavy Injury: The PC receives a flash burn or jarring blow that winds him/her, but otherwise suffers no effects unless the Injury is caused by [E] or [X]- if so the PC is Stunned for 1 Turn.
- Category 3- Serious Injury: The PC receives a scorching blast or savage blow to the abdomen or chest, momentarily depriving him of oxygen or fracturing ribs and smashing the breath from him/her. The PC suffers [TCD2] S and T. If the Injury is caused by [E] or [X] he/she is also Stunned for 1 Turn. Reduce [Damage Type] DV -1.
- Category 4- Acute Injury: The PC receives a blistering burn or monstrous blow that cooks muscle and fat or splinters ribs and bruises organs. The PC is Stunned for 1 Turn and suffers [TCD2] S and T. If the Injury is caused by [E] or [X] he/she also suffers +1 Fatigue. Reduce [Damage Type] DV -1.
- Category 5- Crippling Injury: The PC receives a horrific burn or blow that ruptures organs and/or causes internal bleeding. Unless caused by [E] this is a Bleeding 2 Injury. The PC is also Stunned for 1 Turn, immediately drops any items held in hand- the items Scatter d5 meters- and also suffers [TCD3] S and T. If the Injury is caused by [E] replace Bleeding 2 with +2 Fatigue. Reduce [Damage Type] DV -2.
- Category 6- Lethal Injury: The PC's torso is completely immolated, his/her ribs are shattered and lungs punctured, or he/she is eviscerated at the abdomen, resulting in Instant Death due to shock and profuse blood loss. Unless Death was caused by [E] a messy pool of blood and viscera spills across an area 2-meter radius around the deceased- movement through this area that is faster than a Walk requires a Difficult (-10) Agility Test, with failure resulting in falling Prone. If Death was caused by [E] a foul cloud smelling of cooked flesh and blood billows 2-meter radius about the deceased- Ranged Combat Tests made into, through, or out of this cloud are Hard (-20). Anyone witnessing the PC's Death must make a Challenging (+/-0) Willpower Test or suffer 2 Moral Corruption (1 if Jaded). All DV reduced to Zero.
- Category Zero- Uninjured: >wince< No effects.
- Category 1- Light Injury: The PC receives a minor burn, contusion or cut, and is knocked to the Kneeling Stance and Dazed for 1 Turn.
- Category 2- Heavy Injury: The PC receives a flash burn or jarring blow and is knocked to the Kneeling Stance and Dazed for 2 Turns.
- Category 3- Serious Injury: The PC receives a scorching blast or savage blow to the genitals and is knocked to the Prone Stance. The PC also suffers [TCD2] WP and is Stunned for 1 Turn. If the Injury is caused by [E] or [X] the PC also suffers +1 Fatigue.
- Category 4- Acute Injury: The PC receives a blistering burn or monstrous blow that damages his/her genitals. The PC must use a prosthetic to participate in procreation intercourse, and his/her chances of conceiving a child are 50% without using a surrogate. The PC is also bleeding profusely- Bleeding 2- is Stunned for 1 Turn, knocked to the Kneeling Stance, and suffers [TCD3] WP and Fel. If the Injury is caused by [E] replace Bleeding 2 with +1 Fatigue. Reduce [Damage Type] DV -1.
- Category 5- Crippling Injury: The PC receives a horrific burn or blow that cooks or messily tears open the PC's Groin, completely destroying his/her genitals and causing massive bleeding. The PC must use a prosthetic to participate in procreation intercourse, and his/her chances of conceiving a child are 0% without using a surrogate. Unless caused by [E] this is a Bleeding 3 Injury. The PC is also Stunned for 2 Turns, knocked to the Prone Stance, immediately drops any items held in hand (the items Scatter d5 meters), and suffers [TCD3] WP and Fel. If the Injury is caused by [E] replace Bleeding 3 with +2 Fatigue. Reduce [Damage Type] DV -2.
- Category 6- Lethal Injury: The PC's Groin and Torso are completely immolated, or he/she is split open and eviscerated through his/her pelvic bone, resulting in Instant Death due to shock and profuse blood loss. Unless Death was caused by [E] a messy pool of blood and viscera spills across an area 2-meter radius around the deceased- movement through this area that is faster than a Walk requires a Difficult (-10) Agility Test, with failure resulting in falling Prone. If Death was caused by [E] a foul cloud smelling of cooked flesh and blood billows 2-meter radius about the deceased- Ranged Combat Tests made into, through, or out of this cloud are Hard (-20). Anyone witnessing the PC's Death must make a Challenging (+/-0) Willpower Test or suffer 2 Moral Corruption (1 if Jaded). All DV reduced to Zero.
- Category Zero- Uninjured: -sidestep- No effects.
- Category 1- Light Injury: The PC receives a minor burn, contusion or cut but otherwise suffers no effects unless the Injury is caused by [X]- if so the PC is Dazed for 1 Turn.
- Category 2- Heavy Injury: The PC receives a flash burn or jarring blow that partially fuses or dislocates his/her patella (kneecap). The PC must make a Challenging (+/-0) Agility Test or be knocked to the Kneeling Stance. The PC is also Dazed for 1 Turn.
- Category 3- Serious Injury: The PC receives a scorching blast or savage blow to his/her ankle, knee or hip, suffering [TCD2] Ag and is Dazed for 1 Turn. If the Injury is caused by [E] or [X] the PC also suffers +1 Fatigue.
- Category 4- Acute Injury: The PC receives a blistering burn or monstrous blow that fuses or fractures his/her hip. The PC is Stunned for 1 Turn and knocked to the Kneeling Stance, suffers [TCD3] T and Ag, and is unable to Charge/Run or Sprint/Flee until after Healing/Recovery. If the Injury is caused by [E] or [X] he/she also suffers +1 Fatigue. Reduce [Damage Type] DV -1.
- Category 5- Crippling Injury: The PC receives a horrific burn or blow that destroys his/her Leg- it is completely useless and must be amputated, but may be replaced with a bionic/cybernetic. The PC is knocked to the Prone Stance and Stunned for 1 Turn. Additionally, he/she may only assume the Prone or Kneeling Stance and move at a Crawl until after Healing and Cybernetic implantation. The PC also suffers [TCD4] Ag, and unless caused by [E] this is a Bleeding 2 Injury. If the Injury is caused by [E] replace Bleeding 2 with +2 Fatigue. Reduce [Damage Type] DV -1.
- Category 6- Lethal Injury: The PC's Leg is completely immolated, torn, or severed from his/her body, resulting in Instant Death due to shock and blood loss. Unless Death was caused by [E] a messy pool of blood spills across an area 1-meter radius around the deceased- movement through this area that is faster than a Walk requires a Difficult (-10) Agility Test, with failure resulting in falling Prone. If Death was caused by [E] a foul cloud smelling of cooked flesh and blood billows 2-meter radius about the deceased- Ranged Combat Tests made into, through, or out of this cloud are Hard (-20). Anyone witnessing the PC's Death must make a Challenging (+/-0) Willpower Test or suffer 2 Moral Corruption (1 if Jaded). All DV reduced to Zero.
The Damage Types and their effects on Injuries are as follows:
The Damage Types and their effects on Injuries are as follows:
- [E]nergy- [E] Injuries increase any [TCD] by +1. Other effects of [E] Injuries are listed in the Injury Categories- some [E] weapons cause Burning (see Special Weapon Quality: Flame).
- [I]mpact- [I] Injuries increase the duration of Dazed and Stunned by +1 Turn.
- [R]ending- [R] Injuries add +1 to any Bleeding effects (ex: Bleeding 1 becomes Bleeding 2).
- E[X]plosive- [X] Injuries increase [TCD] by +1 and add +1 to any Bleeding effects.
- [W]arp- In addition to the normal effects, [W] Injuries result in Physical Corruption equal to the Category # of the Injury sustained (+1 to +5).
When a PC suffers a Bleeding Injury he/she has little time left before bleeding to Death. Bleeding may be staunched with a successful Difficult (-10) Medicae Test. Bleeding is a form of Fatigue, which is tracked at the end of each Round- Bleeding 1 is +1 Fatigue, Bleeding 2 is +2 Fatigue, and so on.
The effects of Bleeding and Burning stack (see below).
The effects of Bleeding and Burning stack (see below).
As indicated above, some [E] weapons cause Burning- flame is a primordial slayer, extremely lethal if not quickly doused. Burning (like Bleeding) is a form of Fatigue, which is tracked at the end of each Round. Burning lasts for d5+1 Rounds- at the end of each Round the PC suffers +1 Fatigue.
During his/her Turn, a PC suffering the Burning condition may do nothing but attempt to douse the flames (while screaming and running d5+1 meters in a random direction)- the PC must spend his/her entire Turn and succeed on a Challenging (+/-0) Agility Test.to douse Burning.
High winds impose a -10 penalty to the Agility Test, chemical accelerates (Weapon Special Quality: Flame) a -20 penalty, while use of loose dirt to smother the flames provides a bonus +10 to the Agility Test, +20 for a heavy blanket/bedroll, or up to +30 (GM's discretion) for a sufficient quantity of water.
During his/her Turn, a PC suffering the Burning condition may do nothing but attempt to douse the flames (while screaming and running d5+1 meters in a random direction)- the PC must spend his/her entire Turn and succeed on a Challenging (+/-0) Agility Test.to douse Burning.
High winds impose a -10 penalty to the Agility Test, chemical accelerates (Weapon Special Quality: Flame) a -20 penalty, while use of loose dirt to smother the flames provides a bonus +10 to the Agility Test, +20 for a heavy blanket/bedroll, or up to +30 (GM's discretion) for a sufficient quantity of water.
Allies may also attempt to douse Burning during their Turns, requiring a Challenging (+/-0) Agility Test.
Anyone aware of a close ally suffering the Burning condition must make a Challenging (+/-0) Willpower Test or suffer 1 Moral Corruption (0 if Jaded).
The effects of Burning and Bleeding stack.
Anyone aware of a close ally suffering the Burning condition must make a Challenging (+/-0) Willpower Test or suffer 1 Moral Corruption (0 if Jaded).
The effects of Burning and Bleeding stack.
Dazed PCs suffer a -10 penalty to all Characteristic-based Tests.
STUNNED (Effect)
PCs that are Stunned may not spend AP and their Evasion Tests suffer a -20 penalty.
FATIGUE (Effect) Abbr: Ftg
Toughness represents the body's ability to continue through exhaustion/exertion (Ftg), extreme exposure (Brn; includes sub-zero temperatures/the void), and/or exsanguination (Bld). A PC's Fatigue Threshold (aka FT) equals his/her TB+3. A PC suffering Fatigue (from any source) that is in excess of his/her FT will become Unconscious, remaining so for d5+1 Rounds (Structured Time), or 1 minute (Narrative Time) per point of Fatigue in excess of their FT- ex: Evan has T36 (TB3); with FT6 he will become Unconscious when his level of Fatigue is 7+.
While Fatigued, all Tests suffer a cumulative -5 penalty for each point of Fatigue.
A PC suffering Fatigue in excess of 3x his/her Fatigue Threshold dies- ex: Evan will die when the combined effects of Bleeding and/or Burning and/or Fatigue is 19+.
Fatigue, including Bleeding and Burning, are recovered as follows:
- Ftg: -1 per half hour of rest.
- Bld: -1 per full day (20 hours) of rest, and/or a blood transfusion- requires a successful Hard (-20) Medicae Test, restoring IntB+DoS. Regarding Blood Donors: Human to Human is okay. Human to Ab-Human is okay. Ab-Human to Human is not okay. Any Xenos to Human/Ab-Human (and vice versa) is not okay.
- Brn: -1 per full day (20 hours) of rest, and/or a skin graft- requires a successful Hard (-20) Medicae Test, restoring IntB+DoS (should the Test result in failure, by any number of degrees, the burn victim will suffer [PCD] Fel equal to his/her Brn. Regarding Graft Donors: Human to Human is okay. Human to Ab-Human is okay. Ab-Human to Human is not okay. Any Xenos to Human/Ab-Human (and vice versa) is not okay.
- [TCD]- Temporary Characteristic Damage.
- [PCD]- Permanent Characteristic Damage.
Healing represents a PC either receiving medical treatment for his/her Injuries or spending considerable down-time on Natural Healing (see further), while Recovery is the restoration of [TCD] through Characteristic Upkeep Advancements. Healing is based on the Damage a PC has sustained at each Injury Status (see below).
A PC must receive medical treatment (Healing) and be returned to the Uninjured Status before he/she may begin Recovery. In game terms, medical treatment is the application of the Medicae Skill, which may be attempted as follows:
All Healing must treat the most severe Injury first- ex: Crippling, then Acute, then Serious, and so on.
- Crippling Injury (Category 5)- Once every 5 days, restoring IntB-5+DoS Damage.
- Acute Injury (Category 4)- Once every 4 days, restoring, IntB-4+DoS Damage.
- Serious Injury (Category 3)- Once every 3 days, restoring, IntB-3+DoS Damage.
- Heavy Injury (Category 2)- Once every 2 days, restoring, IntB-2+DoS Damage.
- Light Injury (Category 1)- Once per day, restoring, IntB-1+DoS Damage.
All Healing must treat the most severe Injury first- ex: Crippling, then Acute, then Serious, and so on.
Note: Should a Medicae Test fail on an unmodified result of 96+ the Injured PC will contract a Combat-related Infection doing [TCD1] S, T, and WP per day for d5 days. Treating a Combat-related Infection requires a Difficult (-10) Medicae Test, with the number of days being reduced by -1 per DoS on the Test. Any Combat-related Infection may be treated only once.
PCs suffering from a Combat-related Infection cannot be Healed or Test for Natural Healing (see below) until the Infection has been treated or run its course.
PCs suffering from a Combat-related Infection cannot be Healed or Test for Natural Healing (see below) until the Infection has been treated or run its course.
A PC may also benefit from Natural Healing, his/her body repairing itself over time. This is based on the PC's TB and his/her current Injury Category. Find the Injury Category # that currently represents the PC's current Injury Status (the left-most column) of Table 1-8: Natural Healing, and reference it across to the PC's current TB to determine the Toughness Test modifier. Note that Category 6 is Death.
Table 1-8: Natural Healing
Table 1-8: Natural Healing
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 +/-0 +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 A A A
2 -5 +/-0 +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 A A
3 -10 -5 +/-0 +5 +10 +15 +20 96+ A
4 =][= -10 -5 +/-0 +5 +10 +15 96+ 96+
5 =][= -15 -10 -5 +/-0 +5 +10 +15 96+
6 =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][=
The PC's current Injury Category # also equals the number of days that must pass before he/she may attempt to Heal naturally (exactly as per receiving medical treatment). If the Toughness Test is successful, the PC reduces the Damage sustained at each Injury Category, as follows:
Regarding Table 1-8: Natural Healing-
1 +/-0 +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 A A A
2 -5 +/-0 +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 A A
3 -10 -5 +/-0 +5 +10 +15 +20 96+ A
4 =][= -10 -5 +/-0 +5 +10 +15 96+ 96+
5 =][= -15 -10 -5 +/-0 +5 +10 +15 96+
6 =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][=
The PC's current Injury Category # also equals the number of days that must pass before he/she may attempt to Heal naturally (exactly as per receiving medical treatment). If the Toughness Test is successful, the PC reduces the Damage sustained at each Injury Category, as follows:
- Crippling Injury (Category 5)- Once every 5 days, restoring TB-5+DoS Damage.
- Acute Injury (Category 4)- Once every 4 days, restoring, TB-4+DoS Damage.
- Serious Injury (Category 3)- Once every 3 days, restoring, TB-3+DoS Damage.
- Heavy Injury (Category 2)- Once every 2 days, restoring, TB-2+DoS Damage.
- Light Injury (Category 1)- Once per day, restoring, TB-1+DoS Damage.
Regarding Table 1-8: Natural Healing-
- If the modifier result is =][= the PC may not Test for Natural Healing- the PC is dead.
- 96+: If the PC makes a successful Test and rolls =/< 95, his/her Injury Status improves by 1 Category. However, if the PC rolls 96+ he/she has acquired a Combat-related Infection.
- A: The PC automatically improves his/her Injury Status by 1 Category.
Recovery is the physical and mental rehabilitation that follows Healing. Once a PC has returned to the Uninjured Status he/she may begin this process of rehabilitation by spending earned XP on restoring [TCD] through Characteristic Upkeep Advances, as detailed in the post titled 'Characteristics and Skills (Advancement)'.
[PCD] cannot be Recovered.
The Emperor Protects.
This blog page is completely unofficial and is in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Ltd or Fantasy Flight Publishing- all content is not-for-profit.
This blog page is completely unofficial and is in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Ltd or Fantasy Flight Publishing- all content is not-for-profit.
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